When you first attend the clinic you will receive the booklet “Understanding Amyloidosis”. Reading the whole of this book will give you a general idea about all the types of amyloidosis. However many people prefer to look at the index and read the general section on amyloidosis and then turn to the relevant pages describing the type of amyloidosis you have been diagnosed with.
Once the type of amyloidosis you have has been made you will be offered further information and encouraged to ask all your questions so that you can learn more about your disease and treatment.
Individual support will be offered at the clinic by the medical staff, specialised nurses and social workers.
The PA Amyloidosis Centre. Support and Education meetings.
From time to time the PA Amyloidosis Centre arranges support and education meetings. Watch the Upcoming Events page for dates of relevant support and education meetings around Australia.
The Leukaemia Foundation Australia (LFA) conducts:
- Regular education and support meetings in the capital cities.
- Publishes a quarterly newsletter.
- Moderates a closed Facebook support group for people living with amyloidosis in Australia
- Runs Australia wide telephone education forums.
For more information about the Leukaemia Foundation programs ring, Free call 1800 620 6951.
Overseas Newsletters
The National Amyloidosis Centre (NAC) in London publishes an on line quarterly newsletter containing medical information and patient stories. The NAC website also contains patient information leaflets a great deal of other useful information for patients and health professionals.
Other useful websites
Please click on the title to view the website.
Australian Amyloidosis Network